This is a "non relevant" post to this blog, sorry it just to make me feel better for a sec from this sickness aura.
On my trip with the kids to a local farming last week, I bought couple of indoor plants there.
One of them is Lavender. Even I could only get a pot of it (they run out of stock) I was so happy to get it because I have been trying to look for that plant since last year. I had ever read an article that lavender is natural mosquito repellent, just simply put a pot of it on the room that you don’t want mosquito came in. It’s not easy at all to find real lavender here, because it’s not a local plant. Here I upload pictures of Lavender. Sorry for those who always good in taking should be “get something itchy in the eye..” to see mine this time. Haha…very blurred and unfocused.
I hate mosquito really bad.
Since I only have 1 pot of small lavender plants then I have to let it grow thicker and bigger before I divide it into couples of pots. Oh..I hope my lavender could grow fertile in this rainy season and no more mosquito again in every rooms at our house in the next couple of months :)