'Seashell' reminds me of vacation time and lots of fun. And this is a little space for my craft works or something I did in my spare time with lots of fun. Thank you for visiting.
After 2 weeks full of sewing works, jumped from one project to another. No, not many projects , it just means when I was boring with the first then I was doing another one. Finally I have done these today... 6 pillowcases for my kids' new bed sheets
Remember my first B & W challenge project. I had finished the top on March, just finished the binding this morning. Gosh..need almost 3 months!!
I just love to see this square quilting from the back.
Guess what?? Yes, new fabrics...last week I bought many! Feel a little bit guilty :( but they're so gorgeous to my eyes.. 2 days in a row I made some of them to 3 bedsheets for each of my kid and I was so happy I can make elastic corners. For some of you maybe it's so simple, but not for me. They're my first bedsheets I had sewn with elastic corners ..haha... I learn from here
Still another fabrics waiting for... :) I had made a list ... just wait till next week :) happy sewing and be creative everyone!
Yayy...finally it's done. I almost feel I can't make it ....my son's "Moo in the Blue" blanky. I had quilted it for 2 weeks :b He didn't allow me to cut the Moo fabric into pieces so I just put some blue strips in the middle.
I think I'm getting in love now doing this square quilting without walking foot :)
This was my first attempt at free motion quilting for this 'moo' blanky quilt without a darning foot! Yes it's true... For couple of days I tried to look for a darning/quilting foot here in my little city for my own Messina brand machine, but gosh...difficult to find out for this type. I had called the shop where I bought my sewing machine and they promised to order one for me from another big city, but still didn't know exactly how long I should wait.
Yesterday I couldn't wait any longer for just looking at the top without doing nothing so I try to quilt with my ordinary standard sewing foot and look at the way it turned out! Not exactly like the way I want. At first I planned to make couple of heart shapes there, but...wow.. it was difficult!! I imagine it will become easier with more practice and a real DARNING FOOT!! So I try a different way this time with STRAIGHT LINE sewing... I felt it was more easier than my first attempt for the 'heart shape' quilting. Still I need an hour to finish a row included many trials and errors to figure out a better way to sit and maneuver the quilt through. haha...but I enjoyed the process and I'll keep doing this method until I have a DARNING FOOT!
I've got to finish this 'Moo' lap quilt (not quilted yet) soon if I don't want to hear my little boy's whimpering anymore, asking "Where is my new blanket quilt, Ma?" or "Why you haven't made it for me yet?". This is the story.... one day -weeks ago actually- I took him at a fabric store after picked him up from school. There he saw this 'Moo' fabric (that's the way he called it) and asked me to buy for him. Since then he never stop asking his 'future' new Moo blanket... He seems not realized that I only sew one project in a time and need long hours and hours...:) I hope I can make his "Moo" blanket become real this week. I chose couple of blues to play with his 'Moo' fabric.
This morning I'm not sure which simple quilting design I should make since I haven't got my new quilting foot mailed yet, still quilting with my standard foot at my sewing machine. Any suggestion for me?